Montclair Musical Theatre, NJ

Show-Stopping “Forum” Delivers Comedy Tonight

"The current MOC production of Forum – bawdy, fun-filled and visually eye-popping – serves as a perfect birthday salute for this master of melodic invention and lyric sophistication."

Gary John La Rosa has directed the show with flair and a generous dose of show-biz pizzazz. His superb cast (toga-draped and G-string clad with a striking disregard for probity) beguiles eye and ear. Promising 'Comedy Tonight' in the opening ensemble, they more than deliver on their pledge.”

“Their x-rated bump and grinds, choreographed by La Rosa, are veritable showstoppers, as are the gymnastic high jinks of Kitts, Loufik and Rush as the miming Proteans.”

“This play is a downright funny thing. As an audience we enjoy it because we like to laugh, yearn to be roundly entertained. And we are with this production.”

“Happy birthday, Stephen Sondheim, and happy theater-going all you lucky Forum ticket holders!”

Naomi Siegel – The Montclair Times

Funny Things Happen in Forum

“…Well the artists responsible for the current production of Forum…have taken these words to heart, and audiences will indeed be diverted from start to finish.”

“It is more than obvious that a great deal of attention was paid to unifying this package into a single, solid piece of entertainment. And that attention has paid off handsomely, yielding substantial interest on the investment. Credit must be given to director-choreographer Gary John La Rosa who has served MOC in this capacity for its last five shows. His staging appropriately comical, yet completely tied to the 'truth' of the script; his choreography is inventive and challenging; and the shows pace is not to be believed…”

“…Well until Sunday, one such opportunity is to be found in Upper Montclair – in the form of a show that should not be missed! Theatre like this doesn't happen every day!”

Bill Van Sant – Essex Journal

© 2024 Gary John La Rosa