9 TO 5

Playhouse on the Square, Memphis, TN

“So I'm sitting in the audience before Playhouse on the Square's fine production of 9 to 5 (the musical, natch) trying to remember if alarm clocks really looked like that in the 1970s…”

“Playhouse on the Square's solid cast hits all the right marks. People cheer when Nicole Hale's Doralee threatens to change Michael Detroit's Franklin Hart Jr. "from a rooster to a hen in one shot." They cheer the pot-fueled sequence when Jenny Madden's Judy and Jeanna Juleson's Violet fantasize about killing their boss. Detroit's a solid heel, and there's something undeniably cathartic about seeing him stuffed into an S&M rig and strung up in the air.”

“Fans of the song and film looking for a nostalgic girls' night out won't be disappointed.”

Chris Davis – Memphis Flyer

© 2025 Gary John La Rosa